Jessica Mcpherson
Hey there! I'm Jessie! Do you feel like you're carrying a bunch of unnecessary thought baggage around? Like your destination is the beach in life, but for some reason you keep bringing a parka that doesn't fit anymore though you think it still does? Or do you feel like you're down in the dumps and can't seem to find a way to climb out? Or do you notice yourself beating yourself up worse than a punching bag? If so, we can work on that! I work well with people who want to have a better relationship with themselves, others and the world around them, but are having a difficult time doing so. In the work I do with my clients, I help people evaluate and challenge the thought processes that influence their emotions and actions to see how these beliefs serve them. And if those thoughts don't quite help a client get where they would like to go in life, I guide clients in identifying more helpful thoughts that do serve them and where they want to go in life. Whether you have experienced trauma, have had a lot of unsupportive family members/significant people in your life, or perhaps you are your own worst critic, I'm here to help you look at yourself and your thoughts in a more realistic manner. Instead of allowing the past to dictate your present and future, I'm here to help put you back in the driver's seat of your life
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