Sierriena Robinson
Hello! My name is Sierriena (Serena-like the tennis player). Do you feel like something is not right, do you feel overwhelmed, stuck or even lost, or unsure of what to do? I can help and support you. You do not have to suffer alone…there is help. I am a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and I specialize in systemic therapy. I create a comfortable therapeutic environment to discuss, process and your presenting concerns. I allow you to take the lead as I fully support you as we navigate the therapeutic journey together. I am a dedicated and purpose-driven therapist motivated to support clients to reveal the hope within themselves to discover their authentic selves and overcome their identified challenges. I entered into this profession to support people in living better, more fulfilling, healthier, and fuller lives by establishing and fulfilling their personal and professional goals. I firmly believe that despite life’s challenges and obstacles, we can improve ourselves and learn to live our absolute best lives. At times, life presents us with obstacles that hinder us from achieving and sustaining true happiness in our lives and I believe that everyone deserves to create happiness, have healthy relationships and supportive relationships, and most importantly self-love. I have worked with children, adolescents, adults, couples, families, and the LGBTQ population. How can I support you?